Whether you prefer to bring cash or use your credit card is your decision. We recommend a combination of cash and at least one card. Changing your cash into the local currency is usually cheapest, while charges are incurred, especially for credit cards. Of course, cash should be stored safely and only carried in small amounts in your pockets.
Since 2000, the US dollar has been the national currency replacing the sucre. Euros can be changed without any problems. The easiest way is to withdraw money at the ATMs, which are everywhere in cities and in many villages. Do not forget to unlock your debit card before traveling. In smaller villages, especially in the mountains, you will not find ATMs – here you can only get by with cash.
National currency in Colombia is the Colombian peso (COP). Currently (August 2024), one euro is worth around 4400 pesos. Most banks allow cash withdrawal on their ATMs with a Maestro card. Many, however, have a relatively low limit. For Colombia travel, you must also have your debit card unlocked before traveling. Of course, Euros can be changed in COPs in banks and at money changers, but the change rates are sometimes bad. Credit cards are accepted in larger cities with a fee.